Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dr Wily

So, I hopped on rush and we blitzed towards Wilys castle. Ran up a ladder and jumped into the battle. Jumped up the side of the building onto the roof while charging my arm cannon. I fired at his spaceship and challenged him to come down and fight.

I was tired of fighting his robots. He definatly didn't know who he was messing with. I wanted to rip out his brain and make sure no one ever remembered his name. If he wanted to destroy the world, he was going to have to go through me.

I ran into the mega-dragon and Saw-bladed it to death.

I was chased by the Guts-Dozer and quick-boomeranged his shut-off switch.

It was time to fight Dr. Wily, but I was really surprised when he turned into an ALIEN!!!

He was immune to all my powerful weapons, but luckily, he was weak to the bubbles. Once I hit him with a few, the truth was revealed. The "Alien" was really a floating projector and Dr. Wily was controlling it.

In the end, I managed to defeat him and save Dr.Light!

RIP DR WILY 1985-2010

Heat Man

Finally, the last of the 8 robots.

I had to be careful, if i got too close to heatman he's blow up and take me with him. He knows all about lava and the other things that flow from the earth, so it could easily get dangerous. Luckily, fire's weakness is water so I hit him with a bubble. DEAD

Quick Man

Not too long ago, I ran into Quick Man.

He was dressed in red and had a yellow boomarang on his head. Without any guilt, I started shooting at him with my mega-cannon. There was no way I was going to let him destroy the world we've built. Luckily, what I lack in speed I make up for with power. I managed to hit him with a crash-bomb and it blew him to pieces. DEAD.

Crash Man

Shortly after dispatching Air Man, I snuck up on Crash Man.

I planned to quickly turn him into trash, like yesterdays toematos, unfortunatly, I ended up crashing his party. He was not pleased, he started to jump around and run away and threw crash bombs at me while I chased him. Luckily, I got a good shot with the Tornado Gun I got from Air Man and he fell down and broke. DEAD

Air Man

I heard some strange noise up in the sky today. When I looked up, it was air man and he was shooting tornadoes at me!

He tried to blow me right off the side of a building. Luckily, I was able to activate my leaf-shield and it stopped his assault. He was barely a threat, almost as useless as bubble man, and when I threw my leaf-shield at him, it jammed his fan and he exploded. DEAD.

Bubble Man

I ran into bubble-man.


Flash Man

With 2 down, and only 6 left, I found Flash Man.

He was waiting at a nearby house. He used his powers to stop time and freeze me in the air. Once he froze me, he moved around at his own pace before i unfroze. Then, I was about to shoot him in the face with my metal blades and he froze me again! This time, he was going to leave me there until I rusted. He even claimed that he was the one who set the blue-suit trend with robots! At least I'm not as silly as he was. Finally, I got a clean shot off at him, and he went down. I even had my dog rush take a picture of it. DEAD

Woods Man

Today I went to face woodsman.

He had leaves and vines, and fired both of them at me. Luckily, I upgraded my arm cannon after the battle with Metal Man. I starting firing my new saw-blades, but his shield of leaves was hard to get past. I don't think that punk knew that I'm Mega Man (BELIEVE IT!). I just jumped over his shield and his ass was grass. DEAD.